From now until December 24th, 2024, you will receive a whopping 5% discount from us on all of our stage runs (on the entire (!) organization fee). However, this only applies to the number of stages mentioned in brackets in the overview. Our current event overview: 05/17/2025-05/22/2025 (6 stages) 06/28/2025-07/02/2025 (5 stages) 10/12/2025-10/16/2025…
Now you can register for the Deutschlandlauf 2026.
You can choose between different competitions:
19 stages from Sylt to Zugspitze
8 stages in the north of Germany (stage 1 - 8)
8 stages in the north of Germany (stage 12 - 19)
3 stages in the north of Germany (stage 1 - 3)…
All current information about the Deutschlandlauf can now be found under the menu items Announcement and Course. There you will find, among other things, detailed information about the organizational fees and the cancellation conditions.
However, the 19 stages have not yet been finalized as it will take longer until all accommodations are confirmed.…